Test Run the Demo Site!

Itching to try out this awesome tool? We have set up a demo site so you can poke about and kick the tires for as long as you like!

There are two parts to try:

The first is the Landlord's admin panel, which is right here on RentMaxPro. Just scroll down and click on a Landlord's name and use that to log in.

The second is the public site and Tenant portal, which is over at http://demo.TrustedHomeRentals.ca. Once you have your own account you will also have both parts but, of course, the public one will be on YOURNAME.trustedhomerentals.ca

The Landlord Control Panel

Use the details below to login here as a Landlord. There are four profiles available, each with different privileges inside. Just click on one of the profiles shown below and you will automatically be logged in.

[email protected]
[email protected]
Tenant Relations Manager
[email protected]
Marketing Assistant
[email protected]

Public Website and Tenant Login

View what the public can see, including the properties that are vacant and ready to be rented. 

Then login as a tenant to see what your tenants can see.